Do these results appeal to you?

  • National television talk shows vie to have you appear on their show first.
  • National magazines pay you to publish your book excerpts.
  • Professional and business organizations call to book you to speak at the fees you desire.
  • Limousines are sent to fetch you for events as a matter of course.
  • Major publishers willingly attend auctions for the right to publish your next book.
  • Radio talk shows schedule interviews around your personal availability.
  • VIP accommodations and travel are automatically provided to you without question, or asking.
  • Your clients willingly pay your high consulting fees because they recognize the substantial value they are receiving.
  • Potential clients don't ask you to bid on projects because they want only your expertise.
  • Newspaper and radio syndicates pitch YOU on the idea of syndicating your advice.
  • Business editors at major newspapers call you on a regular basis just for a one-line quote or your opinion on a current event.
  • Prestigious magazines regularly request interviews with you for feature stories about you and your success.
  • People stop you anywhere to ask for an autograph.
  • Your name is so well known it becomes a question on Jeopardy!
  • Your gross annual fees exceed half a million, a million dollars... and more.

This is the kind of treatment regularly received by celebrity experts Martha Stewart, Dr. Phil McGraw, Suze Orman, and others (including me, for many of these!)

Some results I've helped my clients achieve:
Increased the worldwide visibility of consulting engineers through national level leadership in professional associations and profiles in the business press.

• Attracted new patients to a
cosmetic surgeon's newly opened surgical clinic, through coast-to-coast public education programs.

• Attracted new patients to a female dentist's second office, through televised education programs.

• Increased a young psychotherapist's professional credibility by arranging regular appearances on talk radio on which she could offer insights and answers to listeners.

• Generated media and press coverage for US how-to specialists in the Canadian market; and Canadian authors in the US market.

• Increased public awareness for a new area of litigation for a lawyer, by generating controversy in the press and media.

• Helped a world renowned communications expert launch an unusual seminar.

• Positioned assigned articles and columns in specific trade journals for a management consultant which resulted in a book publishing contract.

• Helped a British conference organizer position his new business in Canada and Singapore to attract new clients.

Since 1979 I have worked privately with
niche experts and professionals to help them develop such high profiles that delightful things happen in their lives.

You decide what results you want to achieve. It's my job to figure out the most effective and economical way to get you where you want to be.

Would you like business success like this?
I can help you attract this kind of treatment... assuming that you can also deliver the highest quality, state-of-the-art advice on a consistent basis.

Review the
12 principles which define my philosophy, then let's talk....