Are you a senior who has been
swindled or financially exploited?

Can you identity with any of these situations?

  • [ ] Did someone's check bounce and you're having difficulty getting the funds replaced?
  • [ ] Is a store refusing to repair or replace a product that doesn't work properly or at all, and you want results?
  • [ ] Has a dentist done bad work or caused unnecessary damage to your mouth, and you want compensation?
  • [ ] Did you loan someone a large amount of money and they refuse to pay you back?
    • [ ] Do clients owe you money for work done and you're having difficulty getting them to pay you?
      • [ ] Have you paid someone for work and the work hasn't been done or hasn't been done properly and you want the repairs done now?

      I've handled these kinds of situations (above), both in my own life and on behalf of my clients.

      How I work

      First, I am glad you contacted me before you hired a lawyer or first started to collect, because it's likely I will take a different route from the one you or others may choose. I'd like to help you, and if you're at a distance from me you will need to do much of the preliminary work with my guidance by email.

      If you don't have a
      written contract to refer to, this presents a BIG challenge; but all is not lost. I have some ideas that have worked for me and other clients in the past. While I can't promise total success, I will do my best for you.

      Second, I know the stress you are under. I will try to give you some hope. The future that seems awful to you now, is usually not so terrible. Hopefully it will be only a temporary inconvenience and a life lesson.

      To help you I will need to see
      all tangible documentation you have. I need to understand the full scope of the situation, from how much you are owed or how much is at stake, what was promised, his/her name, the investment concept if there was one. Everything. Do you have receipts or copies of the checks you wrote? And photos?

      I also need to know about you (and your husband/wife), your home, your family, your lives. The reason: it may be useful in presenting the full picture. I need TOTAL honesty from you. Yes, this will be a lot of work for you and me.... but this is what it will take to recover your losses. It will be helpful to know which of my services you can afford.

      I ask people to
      complete the form on this page:

      I won't take your case if I think I can't be successful on your behalf. I'm sympathetic to your financial crisis, but I need to earn income, too. We can proceed in small steps if that will help, one advice email at a time.

      If I work with you, you must promise to
      let me proceed without interference. When clients start contacting the other party with threats, insults, demands, etc., it's not in their or your best interest. It sabotages my good work, and the time I've invested is wasted. It's happened before because my clients got impatient or let their angry outburst ruin a plan that was just about to come to fruition.

      You need to trust someone, and I'm the best one to trust. I'm too honest and kind for my own good, and I've been successful multiple times before. And I'm probably the cheapest "rescuer" you could hire. I'm your advocate, investigative journalist, counselor, and, when necessary, media/press liaison, always working on your behalf. And you should know: I work for only one client at at time.

      So, do you have a way to get
      copies of ALL documentation to me? Can you scan documents and photos to make .jpg or .PDF files to send me? Keep the originals somewhere safe. You may get tired of all the requests I make of you, but all of it will help me help you. Are you ready?

      Step one: Send me everything you can. There's no charge for me to read and digest it all. If I don't have enough info I will advise you of the next step.

      Step two: If you prefer to handle things by yourself you may wish to hire me for email advice (US $49.00 per question) so I can give you a list of other documentation that will help me help you, that you will need to acquire. (Often I can tell you how to get them.)

      Once I have that additional info we can decide on the next step. I have at least three good approaches that will work.
      Time is of the essence. The quicker we work together the quicker I can help you recover your money or hand the debt to the person responsible. If I think I can't do more I will say so. And by then you may be able to carry on without me.

      Important: All work I do for you is confidential. Here in writing I promise not to divulge your critical private info without your consent, nor use it to profit personally in any way... except for fees you elect to pay me. It's my intent to work in your best interests at all times. And by the same token, please don't share with anyone other than yourselves what I'm doing for you. If you tip off the other party too soon, or your family members start to talk or butt in, my plan probably won't work. I will confer with you about everything I do before I do it so you are always in the loop and you always have veto power.

      If you're ready, let's get started today.


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