Suggested Services to Achieve Your Goals

Fees are due increase very soon

A. "12 Contrarian Principles for Boosting Your Expertise to Leading Authority Status,"
previously a 12-Day Email Course, now it's a workbook in PDF format: $39.00

B. 10-15 Minutes of Quick Answers; Consultation with Andrea via Skype or Zoom: $49.00, or 10 sessions for $399.00

C. Pick My Brain: Ask questions and receive answers up to 30 Minutes via Skype or Zoom: $99.00

D 20-Minute Tutorial: Text me your personal public relations question with pertinent info about yourself, and we'll set up a Zoom or Skype chat to provide a personalized tutorial. $75.00

90-Minute Lunch (local only): Pick my brain or receive a personalized tutorial of your choice in person: $500 + you buy lunch

Contract Critique. I'll carefully go over your written contract – speaking, publishing, etc. – with a "fine tooth comb," show you where your interests are being overlooked, and suggest better terms: $300.00

G. Marketing Plan Critique. I'll carefully go over your written marketing plan with a "fine tooth comb," and suggest more effective strategies: $300.00

H. D-I-Y Resources. My reports and templates are from my previous private seminars and some come with a virtual Q + A with me: Paid Speaking, Paid Writing, Paid Consulting, Self-Promotion, CrowdFunding/ Raising Investor Capital: $197.00 to $999.00

VIP Day. I'll spend a day (up to 7 hours) working WITH you: $1,500.00

Virtual Master Class. A 2- or 3-day virtual group event to build your Advice Empire: $997.00 per person

K. 3- or 6- month visibility campaign: I'll identify your newsworthiness and get you booked on local or national media and/or press: $9,000.000 per month

Invite me to speak – in person or virtually – to your association, conference, or university, anywhere in US or Canada. "The One Person Advice Empire: Expand Your Professional Practice With Multiple Streams of Passive and Consulting Income": Starts at $5,000.00 plus expenses.

All fees are payable upfront and are valid until December 31, 2024.

Click to see payment options.

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