A. 12-Lesson Course-in-a-Book: "12 Contrarian Principles for Boosting Your Expertise to Leading Authority Status." $39.00
B. 10-15 Minutes of Quick Answers: A consultation with Andrea via Skype, Zoom or phone. $49.00 or 5 sessions for $225.00
C. Pick My Brain, Ask specific questions and receive answers one-on-one, up to 30 minutes. $300.00
D. Critiques of your marketing plans, speaker contracts, book contracts, or proposals: $500.00 each.
E. 20-Minute Tutorial. Text me your personal public relations concern with pertinent info about yourself, and I'll educate and enlighten via Skype, Zoom or phone. $200.00
F. 90-Minute Lunch (local only) Pick the restaurant and pick my brain. $900.00 plus lunch.
G. 12-Month Membership Program, "Your Million Dollar Advice Empire" $10,000 program, or $899.00 a month. First 20 members: $799 a month.
H. DIY manuals on paid consulting, paid speaking, paid writing, raising capital, self-promotion. Bundles, from $87. to $810. each, or The Complete Library for $997.00 ($1584. value).
Suggested Services For Established Professionals
A. VIP Day: A day devoted to done-with-you sessions. You choose the project: $3,900. per day.
B. Office-on-Wheels: I will bring my office to you. $5,000 to $8,000 per day, plus travel costs.
C. Month-Long VIP training: One month of customized Public Relations Services: $25,000.
D. Half-Year of Services: Six months of customized Public Relations Services: $150,000.
E. 3- or 6-Month Visibility Campaign, one person (or two partners): $25,000 per month.
For Audiences
Talks and workshops to groups on requested topics. $5,000 to $15,000 plus travel expenses.
Example: "The One-Person Advice Empire: Expand Your Professional Practice With Multiple Streams of Passive and Consulting Income"