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Andrea Reynolds is a pioneer in the field of advice empire-building. Since 1977 she has mentored and promoted nearly a thousand consultants, experts, best-selling authors, practitioners, spokespeople, and specialists. She has been retained by clients as far away as London, Cairo, Dublin, Sydney and Singapore; and by Fortune 100 and Financial Post 100 companies. More....

Andrea with
Chicken Soup for The Soul book series co-creator,
Jack Canfield, Philadelphia, 2014.

Andrea's objective is to increase her clients' trustworthiness, newsworthiness and contract-worthiness, so that their target markets seek them out and they need never knock on doors. To maintain her own visibility she often becomes her own client. Andrea markets her expertise by using the same methods she teaches to her clients.

She has hosted talk radio and appeared as a guest expert on countless radio shows including CBC's Morningside with Peter Gzowski, and "Basic Black" with Arthur Black. She has appeared on "Frost Over Canada" hosted by British interviewer Sir David Frost and appeared multiple times on "Breakfast Television," "Shirley," and "The Dini Petty Show," and 4 programs on the Life Network.

She has authored numerous books, manuals, reports, and booklets and published 5 newsletters, written for national magazines and newspapers, led seminars, and addressed many professional and business associations.

An outspoken critic, Andrea has been quoted in many periodicals:
Time, USA Today, The Globe and Mail, The National Post, The Korea Times, The Financial Post, Canadian Business, Canadian Living, and Sales and Marketing Management. She has critiqued candidates for Canadian Prime Minister and Premier of Ontario for Canadian Press wire service, The Toronto Star, The Toronto Sun and The Globe and Mail. Her first book received a tongue-in-cheek Connie Award from Canadian Business Magazine "for outstanding contribution to Canadian Capitalism."

In her own words....

"It was at Kent State University, more than four decades ago, that I discovered I had a knack for Communication, Advertising, Marketing and Promotion...CAMP. (You'll find that I have a propensity for acronyms.) Initially I had attended a Liberal Arts college in Ohio (Hiram College), then transferred to Kent to major in Home Economics Fashion (now called Family and Consumer Science). But after 4 years of university I realized that, not only had I been studying with only smart women, but now my career would be almost totally with (smart) women. As a still-single woman, I decided I wanted to be around smart men, too. So I chose not to graduate with my class in 1971, but rather, stay on another year and take business classes."

"My marketing management professor, Dr. Donald F. Mulvihill (co-founder of the Marketing Management Association), announced at the beginning of his class that he hadn't given any A's to his students in 10 years. I decided that as the only woman in the class of 100 men - I loved those odds - that I would strive to get an A. I had to work doubly hard to meet the challenge and I did it. I earned the only A in his class by really knowing the material. If he asked the class a question and nobody else knew the answer, I did. I enjoyed reading the material and still love reading a business book over any other kind of book. Who knew that a girl who once wanted to design clothes would one day be sought out for her marketing advice by Fortune and Financial Post 100 companies and have clients in several countries?"

"For every client who retains me I make that kind of effort. I want to win...but win for my client. I work hard - smart, really - to ensure my client is visible for the right reasons, to turn challenges into a victories, and turn any crisis into the best possible outcome for all, no matter what or how long it takes."

"I studied at these institutions: Hiram College (Ohio), University of Oxford (UK), University of Toronto (Canada), Ryerson University (Canada), Edinboro University (Pennsylvania), Fashion Institute of Technology (New York), and Kent State University (Ohio), graduating with a Bachelor of Science degree in Marketing and Communication."


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