Money, Property Recovery Request Form

Tell me what happened to you and how I can start helping you by answering the questions below. All information received will be held in strictest confidence unless you give me permission to disclose it. I'll contact you very shortly.

Your name:
Your email:
Your phone:

[ ] Request for money recovery services
[ ] Question or comment

Where in the United States or Canada are you located?

Where did you hear of Andrea's money recovery services?
[ ] Discovered it by "accident".
[ ] Intentional search on Internet.
[ ] Friend, neighbor, co-worker.
[ ] Heard about it on the radio.
[ ] Read about it in my newspaper.
[ ] Saw Andrea on TV.
[ ] Something else.

Who is the other party?
[ ] Family member
[ ] Lover, ex-lover, someone I dated
[ ] Ex-spouse or former live-in companion
[ ] Family of former spouse or live-in companion
[ ] Roommate
[ ] Boss, employer
[ ] Health professional, doctor, dentist, etc.
[ ] School, college, university
[ ] Landlord or property manager
[ ] Real estate agent
[ ] Tenant
[ ] Business partner
[ ] Customer or client
[ ] Business
[ ] Other

Do you have all the documentation to prove your "case"?
[ ] Yes, I've been diligent in keeping a record of everything and I have the documents to send you.
[ ] No, It didn't occur to me that I needed to keep records or documents.
[ ] I don't have it but I can give you leads on where to find it.
[ ] My attorney has everything and will forward the file to you.
[ ] Everything I own was destroyed or is held by the other party.

Do you represent others who were affected as well?
[ ] Yes.
[ ] No.
[ ] There are others I know of but I don't represent them.

Have you hired an attorney?
[ ] No, I haven't looked for an attorney.
[ ] No, I can't afford an attorney.
[ ] Yes, but the attorney hasn't been able to do much.
[ ] Yes, but I don't want to sue if there is a better way.

Have you hired a private investigator?
[ ] No, it didn't occur to me to contact a PI.
[ ] No, I can't afford the retainer.
[ ] No, my local investigators don't handle this kind of problem.
[ ] Yes, but we didn't get anywhere.
[ ] Yes, we got some good info but I don't know where to go from here.

Have you contacted the press or media about this issue?
[ ] No, I knew it was smarter to contact you first.
[ ] No, my attorney said not to.
[ ] Yes, and that helped some.
[ ] Yes, and that went nowhere.
[ ] Yes, and that may have hurt my chances of success.

Where in the United States or Canada is the other party located?

What possessions do they have of yours that you want returned?

Realistically, how much money do you expect me to recover for you?

What else do you want to happen to feel vindicated?

Please fill in the name of the other party:

What happened? What did they do. Be precise.
Use as many pages as you need.

What else do you want to tell me?

Which service other than/before Money Recovery do you want to start with?
[ ] Email advice: $49.00 per question.
[ ] Phone counseling: $75.00 for 30 minutes
[ ] Phone counseling: $150.00 for 60 minutes
[ ] Advice over lunch: $225.00 for 90 minutes of advice plus the cost of our lunches
[ ] Office appointment (your office): $150.00 for 60 minutes
[ ] Personal advocacy: $200.00 per hour, up to $1200-1500 per day
[ ] Protest/Mercy letter: from $250.00 up to $2500.00, depending on research required
[ ] Investigation: $1000 retainer; up to $10,000 per assignment
[ ] Crisis clinic: $75.00 per person (6-20 people)
[ ] School talk: Estimate required
[ ] Keynote presentation: $5000.00 plus expenses
[ ] Corporate brainstorming: $5000.00 - $15,000.00 per day plus expenses

Do you need a grant to cover the fees for services you need?
[ ] No, I can afford to pay you.
[ ] Yes, partially.
[ ] Yes, completely.

How soon will you be ready to have me start?

If you don't need services do you want to make a donation to help others?

[ ] Yes. Please show me where to locate the donations page.
[ ] No, thank you.
[ ] I'll donate once I recover what's mine.

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