Andrea Reynolds, Media Guest

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How my crisis services started...

In 1992
I was retained by a client who had been swindled by a boyfriend out of her savings, and as a result lost her professional practice. I assisted her in recovering some of her assets. She was the fourth or fifth woman I'd worked with who had trusted someone who was not trustworthy. Not long after, I recovered, after multiple attempts, money owed to me by a neighbor. Shortly after he was arrested and jailed for swindling over $90,000 from other people. (They should have hired me to recover their money.)


By 1994 I was appearing on national television shows across Canada as an expert on crises in relationships. I was a part of several programs that won awards and achieved the highest ratings ever. And I created seminars that were filled just by word-of mouth referrals. (You can purchase the seminar manuals here on this site.)

In 1998
I inherited the phone number of a private investigator who had given up his practice for a better career move. Suddenly I was receiving calls from upset individuals who felt they needed surveillance services. I realized mostly they needed someone to listen, someone to offer them alternative ideas to try. None really wanted to pay up to $20,000 for PI services. In fact, none offered to pay me for up to an hour of my time that I spent with each of them. I held this "volunteer" position for a year, until I moved out of the telephone exchange and abandoned the phone number. I consider it my apprenticeship.

In 2000 I created a web site, with the idea that I could offer a list of up to ten solutions or answers to any personal challenge that is causing extreme stress to an individual. But this time it's a professional service and my sole source of income... so that meant I was no longer a volunteer, however my fees were reasonable compared to legal fees, and for the value received in relief and peace of mind.

Today you can hire me to brainstorm solutions to a problem or simply get advice to your relationship issue. You can attend a seminar, or order the class notes or a booklet that gives you lots of ideas. You can even purchase the entire library of my works. Your group can book me to travel to your community to address your group or conduct a seminar. Or I can be your advocate and seek restitution on your behalf. Click on the links at the top of this page to see the array of services available to you.